One in five Ontario hospital CEOs transitioned from their role in 2021 and based on current data, one in ten newly appointed CEOs will no longer be in their role within two years. As of October 2022, 23% of Ontario hospital CEOs are 60+ years of age. It is anticipated that leadership transitions will continue into the foreseeable future.
Whether your board and your incumbent CEO anticipate a top leadership succession event in the near term, or you are proactively informing and readying your board in advance of a future CEO succession event, we invite you to read Proximity Picks: Curated Readings on CEO Succession and Talent Readiness.
Annie Tobias, President and CEO of Proximity Institute has been joined by Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre President and CEO Dr. Andy Smith and past Board Chair Tom Flynn to curate this set of readings about leadership continuity as a resource for all Ontario hospitals. The readings and discussion questions bring forward an array of best practices and are designed to build awareness and catalyze conversation with boards and their incumbent CEOs.