Leadership Team Regeneration

The past few years have brought significant disruption to Ontario hospitals. Top leadership teams continue to face complex challenges, including symptoms of widespread burnout and operational stress on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, there is growing recognition that this disruption may have catalyzed organizational and team change along multiple dimensions (e.g., organizational culture, team dynamics, structural attributes, work processes, and decision making). Top leadership teams are now tasked with assessing the changes that have occurred over the past few years and reorienting toward the future. 

Proximity has partnered with Michaela Kerrissey, PhD, MS, Assistant Professor of Management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to lead applied research on leadership team regeneration in Ontario hospitals. The research involves over 90 in-depth interviews with nine Ontario hospital leadership teams and a survey opened to all Ontario hospital leadership teams to capture the diverse perspectives and experiences across the sector.

Early findings have been shared with Ontario hospital Presidents and CEOs. The article authored by Professor Kerrissey will be made available following publication. The intention is that these findings will catalyze conversation and momentum for hospital leaders embracing and driving regeneration.

For more information, contact Christine Mitchell at christine@proximityinstitute.com.